Twin Daughters and Henry Jr.: In the future, as witnessed in the series finale "Forever Charmed", Paige Matthews and her husband Henry Mitchell will become the parents of three children. Two were twin daughters and the
third was a boy named Henry Jr. While Henry (senior) carried on working as a parole officer, Paige was able to look after
their children and work as a guiding whitelighter for young witches and neophyte whitelighters. It is very likely that Henry,
Jr. and the twins will develop whitelighter-witch abilities as did their mother and their cousins Wyatt and Christopher Halliwell.
This would include orbing, healing, sensing and glamouring, as well as them being able to gain witch powers (for instance,
telekinesis, clairvoyance, molecular manipulation, etc.) or a hybrid between both witch and whitelighter powers (for instance,
telekinetic orbing).